
On Business Plan


Mastering Last-Minute Stress

Imagine you have a big presentation scheduled for tomorrow. You’ve done everything to prepare: your slides are proofread, you’ve rehearsed multiple times, and your message is crystal clear. Then comes the night before, and along with it, last-minute stress.

You find yourself envisioning countless scenarios of what could go wrong. Your mind races with thoughts about potential questions from decision-makers and how the meeting might unfold.

The next day arrives, and despite a restless night, the presentation goes smoothly. Or perhaps your audience doesn’t grasp your message immediately, requiring further explanation. Maybe fatigue sets in among listeners, prompting an unexpected interruption. Surprisingly, the reality often diverges from the worst-case scenarios imagined.

It’s impossible to predict every detail in advance. Instead, jot down your last-minute thoughts to clear your mind before bedtime. If necessary, keep a notebook by your bedside for any late-night insights that could benefit your presentation. Additionally, visit the venue ahead of time to familiarize yourself with the space, allowing you to feel comfortable and confident, much like an actor on stage.

Remember, reality is often more inventive than our worries. Embrace last-minute stress as a source of positive energy to enhance your presentation.

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