
On Business Plan


Learning Through Doing

As a budding developer, creating apps that cater to your needs is an effective way to engage in active learning. Take Watchello, for example. It began as a modest HTML, CSS, and JavaScript project, providing an opportunity to delve into UI design and integrate with a movie API.

The next phase involved developing a standalone movie app, enabling users to favorite films and archive watched titles. This stage introduced hands-on experience with a popular JavaScript framework, real-time database operations, and user identity management.

In the final phase, machine learning was integrated. Exploring embeddings allowed for personalized recommendations based on viewing history, enhancing the app’s utility.

This evolution didn’t happen overnight. By addressing personal needs incrementally, the project evolved alongside an expanding skill set.

Time is a valuable commodity. Once you grasp the fundamentals, embark on real-world projects that serve your interests or community. Don’t be deterred if the initial version lacks polish; embrace iteration, refactoring, and improvement to cultivate pride in your accomplishments and learning journey. Remember, each version is a stepping stone towards mastery.

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