
On Business Plan


From Novice to Expert

As we progress in our careers, our perception of ourselves undergoes significant changes. In the early stages, every task appears daunting, and feelings of impostor syndrome loom large. Job interviews feel like a test of inadequacy, and meetings become opportunities to listen rather than contribute. Lead developers seem like untouchable figures, and the mantra "I will never be as good as they are" echoes in our minds.

With experience, we forget the struggles of our beginnings. We assume that younger colleagues should know what we consider basic, forgetting that our basics were once beyond our grasp. Empathizing with junior developers becomes a challenge, and we’re inclined to do tasks for them rather than guide them through. Implicit knowledge becomes second nature, making documentation seem unnecessary.

At every stage, we must recognize the stories we tell ourselves. If self-doubt prevails, reflecting on our progress can offer reassurance. If we find ourselves overly critical of others, adopting a beginner’s perspective can foster understanding.

Ultimately, these are narratives we construct. To change how others perceive us, we must first change how we perceive ourselves.

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